
With infinite patience
  one song had been composed
    yet was never performed
      nor recorded
        nor heard

Within finite heartbeats
  two dancers choreographed dreams
    yet were never shared
      nor believed
        nor realized

With outstretched passions
  two hearts astonished their muses
    yet were never illuminated
      nor reflected
        nor mourned

Without stretched heartbeats
  no poem would have ever been authored
    would have ever have been printed
      would have ever been spoken aloud
        would have ever been shared

within each without
  heartbeats echo but once
    throughout abandoned concert halls
      with disconsolate muses
        as solitary audience members

silent witnesses…..

Click One Day ….. for RandomMemoirs of a Dragon‘ Poem


He was the man she used ….. to ground herself
   but not the man she chose ….. to reflect upon

How fickle starlight is ….. at noon
   disallowing all greyscaled shadows
      cast upon spent scarlet roses

How truthful daylight is ….. at midnight
   authorizing dark crimson runes
      tattoos gracing perfectly weathered scrolls

How fearful she was of ….. her own reflection
   outpacing light itself
      scurrying midst contrived sepia heartbeats

Was she ever true ….. ever ?

Click Darkness for RandomMemoirs of a Dragon‘ Poem

Trilogy ….. 俳句 ….. 川柳 ….. 短歌

Illusory ….. Haiku 俳句

Rhythmic illusions
Once in her lifetime heartbeat
One dances … for you…..


Gaze ….. Senryū 川柳

Charcoal etched voyeurs
Poised dignity protects her
onyx sculptured heart


Masks …..Tanka 短歌

Masks for passions lost
acquiescent gloss and brume
strength mends her sorrow
prisms of her own designs
prisons of her owed desires


Click Tolstoy for Random ‘Memoirs of a Dragon‘ Poem

Mist Destinies Tanka 短歌

amidst dew and murk

amongst sea foam and sand stars

rhythmed tidal fates

‘tween what was and ….. what might be

transits of missed destinies

Mist Destinies

Photo from Eyes of a Dragon – Mist Destinies

This photo appeals to me. I wrote an earlier Misty Pathway Haiku from this same image! My muse seems to prefer fog, mist ….. and mystery! I am fortunate in that this concrete transit is but a short walk away from home.


Pirate Treasure Tanka 短歌

A Pirate’s lost map

beckons that ‘X‘ marks the spot

‘neath vexing cold sand

‘tween odd flotsam and jetsam

beware of too many ….. spots

Beach Sticks

Through the Eyes of a Dragon Tanka 短歌

An invitation….

laminates of silvered time

from dawn until dusk

dance with these rhyming photons

  Through the Eyes of a Dragon

Dragon Sunrise

Thera Tanka 短歌

Volcanic nightfall

Santorini memories

Via Lactea

even Galileo mused

 it’s full of stars everywhere


Beach Tanka 短歌

Unbalanced heartbeats

rhythmical studies in stone

mist understandings

sinuous tidal cadence

littoral admonitions 


Misty Haven Tanka 短歌

Exhaled dragons whiff

vaporous jeweled ice motes

tangerine beacon

reveals lone sanctuary

❍ overdue lunar eclipse ❍

Dragons Whiff

Barn Solstice Tanka 短歌

§ Murmuring petals §

scorned as harvest worthy gold

each has but one reach

spectrums of boundless colour

rural timber nods in awe

Barn Equinox

Solar Frost Tanka 短歌

Whispered auroras

mapping out each glacial route

dawning crystal breaths

glittering hoar frost needles

compass bound to each snowflake

Moon Frost Tanka

Crystalline memoirs

lost rural geometry

pale frozen farmscapes

lunar rime trumps solar zeal

fog bound distant horizon

Blue Chair Tanka

  Azure West Coast Throne

no sanctuary from rain

strait observations

time and tidal gravity

slowly destroying the crown